We were all outside playing in the yard last Saturday and Matt was showing all of us how to use an acorn hat or cap to make a whistle. I don't know how I never knew this. It was fun to watch the boys try to make the acorn hats whistle on their own, but they could only do it if Matt held the acorn hat in his hand and let the boys blow into it. I just happened to have the hiccups while I was trying to make them whistle and Ian laughs and says...
"Mommy, you can not put your hiccups in the acorn hat!"
Matt and I could not help but laugh!
The boys were riding their bikes out on the deck with their helmets on. I brought out some soapy water for them to clean their bikes off. They love pretending to take their bikes to a car wash. They scrub them with old toothbrushes and sponges. After Ian spent a little bit of time cleaning his bike, I saw walk around the deck a couple of time and then look in a plastic trash can that hold some of their outside toys.
Ian "Mommy, where is my helmet?"
Me (SMILING) "Where did you have it last?"
Ian "I don't know...I know I had it out here somewhere?"
as he started walking around the yard to look some more!
Me "Ian - it is on your head!"
He stopped right where he was and put both hands on his head! His eyes got real big and a huge smile spread across his face!
Ian - "Mommy, that is so silly"
and got back on his bike!
When I told this story to Matt and said so it doesn't just happen with old age! haha
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