Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 2 - Flea Market

 Levi found this empty shelf in the book store at church and crawled up into it and said "mom mom - I take nap"!

After church, Matt & my dad watched the boys and the Steelers game - while mom, Ali, Isabella and I went to the Hazen Flea Market (a good 1 1/2 hr drive away).  When we got there, only about ten vendors were open....most of them had closed due to the weather. But that didn't stop us from having fun! My niece Isabella who is three....and so cute...walked away with free stuff from every vendor!  Mom and Ali got some Christmas shopping done and I found the only thing that I was looking for - A DONUT CUTTER.

IAN - having fun while we were gone!

 Ian's best friend at PopPop & Mimi's house - Diesel

Ian sitting on PopPop's John Deer tractor and 4 wheeler!

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